Switching to Celsius from Fahrenheit for normal people
For the majority of people who will be switching from Fahrenheit to Celsius, this is all you need to know.
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I want this to be an introduction to using Composer. If you are looking for more information about using Drupal with Composer then you should checkout the official composer facade doc...
Git is a great tool for managing source control. Git flow is a great workflow for working with git branches and tags. Semantic versioning is a great way for labeling and cataloging version dependence. If we put them together then...
Things change, it’s a fact of life; even more so it’s a fact of a web developer’s life. In semantic versioned frameworks every new major version brings new api and discards the old apis. Like ripping off a band-aid, this...
One of my favorite features from Drupal 7 is the EntityFieldQuery. The power of the EntityFieldQuery is a well known thing, and I a have written about extending EntityFieldQueries with subqueries before. This time I will go...
I really like github pages. I built my blog on it, even though I host it myself. When friends and family ask for me to build them a site I will point them to github pages....
I saw this over at stackexchange and I had to write about it. Shaddap and give me the code: What I have noticed, is that every step by step for installing Jenkins on Ubuntu 12.04 is currently wrong. It is wrong because Jenkins recently began to require Java 1.7 instead of 1.6. I was able to find one saving...
So everyone who does drupal development should know by now about hook_alter the form api and the setting of default values. In case you don’t I suggest reading these pages first: If you want a blog then you might be tempted to use Wordpress over a more complicated Drupal based site. However, more recently I have to ask why should anyone even really need Wordpress. A far simpler aprouch is a...
Basic Hello World with composer and php
Getting started with composer
Semantic Git
Simplify Drupal 8 field value calls
Altering Entity Field Querys for JOINS ORs and Profit
Add an API to Your Jekyll Blog
Need a join in an EntityFieldQuery, how about a subquery?
$query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $query->entityCondition('entity_type',...
Setting Up Jenkins on 12.04
Setting a default value for a link or url field in Drupal 7
Drupal or Wordpress? Why not Jekyll.