How to play gloom with a 52 card deck
I played the Edward Gorey insired card game Gloom the other day. The game and mechanics are fun, if the dark humor of the game isn’t for you then try these rules on a standard 52 card deck.
I am a Developer who does web good and likes to do other stuff good too.
This is all the content on this site. A completely unfiltered, river of news. For you Drupal people, this is the /node.
I played the Edward Gorey insired card game Gloom the other day. The game and mechanics are fun, if the dark humor of the game isn’t for you then try these rules on a standard 52 card deck.
Drupal is the most flexible general purpose Content Management System on the market today—Open Source or not. Using Drupal enables us to provide a cost effective and flexible platform for our clients, while...
This is an export of my session from DrupalCon Baltimore 2017. This is here for posterity. The least effor possible was put into trascribing it from presentation format to a web page.
For the majority of people who will be switching from Fahrenheit to Celsius, this is all you need to know.
Read More about Switching to Celsius from Fahrenheit for normal people
Be warned, this is a rant. I have a Dilemma about what to focus on learning. I will always explore technology. I will always study, this is my nature. As God has built us, I will always work. This is...
Do you remember that time when you tried to find a Javascript library only to find the wrong Javascript library with the same name. Well that happened when I was looking for A-Frame. Just so you know we are...
I am going to say what every parent says, my kid is smart™. We read to her all the time and she loves it. We have been reading to her all her life. Now it’s...
I want this to be an introduction to using Composer. If you are looking for more information about using Drupal with Composer then you should checkout the official composer facade doc...
Git is a great tool for managing source control. Git flow is a great workflow for working with git branches and tags. Semantic versioning is a great way for labeling and cataloging version dependence. If we put them together then...
Things change, it’s a fact of life; even more so it’s a fact of a web developer’s life. In semantic versioned frameworks every new major version brings new api and discards the old apis. Like ripping off a band-aid, this...
I saw this video. These videos beg the question; How do I stop my kids from being like this? When it’s easier to build something...
One of my favorite features from Drupal 7 is the EntityFieldQuery. The power of the EntityFieldQuery is a well known thing, and I a have written about extending EntityFieldQueries with subqueries before. This time I will go...
I really like github pages. I built my blog on it, even though I host it myself. When friends and family ask for me to build them a site I will point them to github pages....
I read a post recently that had the click bait title “Is Drupal Dying?” Ironically I read this while attending ElixirConf. The basis of that post was clients asking for the Drupal8 is nearly out making Drupal 7 look like it isn’t an appealing choice. However, Drupal 7 is still a contender for the conviences in site-building crown. The module ecosystem for Drupal...
Anytime I want to show off what the web can do with a simple blog I have to pull up this awesome site. I was on A Very Cool Site about Hackery,...
As you might remember in my post on replacing Jekyll with Gulp (and my post on Jekyll). YAML will be a large part of getting this working. First am trying to use npm-yaml. Simple installation, One of the first “Content Management Systems” I ever wrote was a perl script that took flat text files and wrapped templates around them and gave me html. I cobbled this thing together and thought, huh, it worked. At the...
I saw this over at stackexchange and I had to write about it. Shaddap and give me the code: What I have noticed, is that every step by step for installing Jenkins on Ubuntu 12.04 is currently wrong. It is wrong because Jenkins recently began to require Java 1.7 instead of 1.6. I was able to find one saving...
I have been in LA again for DrupalCon. To my surprise this was not the first year of a DrupalCon Stabbing. I lived in Long Beach for around 7 years. Every time I had some regular obligation. I did my...
So everyone who does drupal development should know by now about hook_alter the form api and the setting of default values. In case you don’t I suggest reading these pages first: If you want a blog then you might be tempted to use Wordpress over a more complicated Drupal based site. However, more recently I have to ask why should anyone even really need Wordpress. A far simpler aprouch is a...
Everything is moving away from the compiled native app and over to a more naturally cross platform ehh, platform: the web browser. While this has the advantage of (those not using IE) to have the same experience no matter what...
Over the course of my career I have worked on more than a fair share of higher-eduation sites. When dealing with a universities website there are many challenges. One of the biggest challenges is in dealing with the accessibility standards....
At SandCamp I gave a talk on utilizing front end design paradigms and how they can be used with Drupal. In this talk I focused on SMACSS, however, there are many more out there such as DRY, BEM,...
If you are unfamiliar with building forms in Drupal, please view Patrick’s post on the various options for building forms in Drupal. I will be focusing on forms built with Drupal’s Form API (or fapi). My use...
Front End CSS Design Paradigms have been a very hot topic lately and many people are attempting to solve the problem of large CSS rule sets that are difficult to maintain. With all the new options it might...
In web development IE has been the bane of front-end developers everywhere. For a long time it was IE6, and now it is IE8/9 that give the most grief. Every browser has its little issues here and there. Little quirks...
My Dilemma; What Technology to Pursue
Lets take a look at webVR with AFrame
a new simple reading rogue like
My kid is smart™
Basic Hello World with composer and php
Getting started with composer
Semantic Git
Simplify Drupal 8 field value calls
Lets plan a new Arduino based video game console
WHY make an new old video game system!?!
Altering Entity Field Querys for JOINS ORs and Profit
Add an API to Your Jekyll Blog
Reflecting on Elixir and Phoenix
The New Hotness
thing –expecting Drupal...
Modern Drupal7 Site Building Tools
Why build a site with Drupal 7
Add Some Style to Your JavaScript Log
Step One on replacing Jekyll, make yaml work
YAML Parsing
I like Jekyll, but is it necessary?
Need a join in an EntityFieldQuery, how about a subquery?
$query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $query->entityCondition('entity_type',...
Setting Up Jenkins on 12.04
Back from DrupalConLA (A postmortem)
Setting a default value for a link or url field in Drupal 7
Drupal or Wordpress? Why not Jekyll.
WebGL with three.js
Creating screen-reader friendly read more links
Utilizing Front End CSS Design Paradigms In Drupal
Creating Auto Submitting Forms with Drupal's Form API
css less sass oocss drycss bem front end css design paradigm smacss down
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