Created by Frank Anderson / @frobdfas
frob on, Github, and IRC.
Visual Diffs from screenshots that are generated from controlled sources.
Taking a sequence of screenshots and diffing them with a tool such as ImageMagick Compare.
Developed in Ruby by BBC, uses PhantomJS, (or SlimerJS), optionally with CasperJS, to provide a website that houses your diffs and settings to help you manage them.
Simple to run, easy to setup (after installation), very powerfull.
Run wraith setup or setup_casper
Configuration happens in two files.
github: ""
selfhosted: ""
- 320
- 768
- 1024
home: /
tutorials: /tutorials.html
rants: /rants.html
everything: /river.html
fuzz: '20%'
Javascript that wraith uses with phantom and casper to generate the screenshots.
gem install wraith
It's ruby so it just works, right?
brew tap homebrew/versions
brew install phantomjs198
install rbenv if not installed
brew install rbenv ruby-build
eval "$(rbenv init -)"
rbenv install 2.1.2
rbenv shell 2.1.2
gem install wraith
Orignal note: Wholy crap they have a dockerfile.
Any Questions?